How to get a list of glycan structures of human?
SPARQL query
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX glycan: <>
PREFIX glytoucan: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?accNum ?taxon_id (str(?sequence) AS ?sequence_list)
?saccharide glytoucan:has_primary_id ?accNum .
?saccharide glycan:is_from_source ?source.
?source a glycan:Source .
VALUES ?taxon_id {"9606"}
?source dcterms:identifier ?taxon_id .
?saccharide glycan:has_glycosequence ?gseq.
?gseq glycan:has_sequence ?sequence.
?gseq glycan:in_carbohydrate_format glycan:carbohydrate_format_iupac_condensed.
} limit 100
GlyTouCan Endpoint
A. This image (a sorrowful toucan) indicates that the selected glycan could not be drawn using
our image-drawing software based on the glycan sequence. Reasons for this may include the
fact that the glycan contains particularities that could not be drawn, such as unexpected modifications.