Alpha Release was done

2015-05-26 00:00:00 +0000

The latest release includes a vast number of updates and upgrades to our functionality.

In particular, the substructure algorithm is working for us and so it was a simple process to be able to generate the motif relationships within the registered structures.

Also, another 4000 structures were found that were in glycomedb but not registered under glytoucan. We were able to bulk register them to bring us up over 40,000 registered structures!

Welcome to Glytoucan Code!

2015-05-15 00:00:00 +0000

I’m very pleased to announce the release of the glytoucan code website! This site will serve as the informational resource for everything regarding the International Glycan Repository,

Not only will there be regular updates on this news channel, there will also be release notes, an FAQ, an index, manuals, and technical documentation covering all of the work that we’ve completed to make glytoucan a reality.

Please subscribe via rss to stay in the loop, or contact us via twitter!