January 20, 2020
January 20, 2020 (Last Updated)

Partner Entry Page

    Reviewed by Kiyoko Kinoshita

Note: The previous page may have more information regarding this series.

Partner Entry Page

A partner-specific page was created for users registered in the partner program to be able to modify their external id and associated linkages.

Signin First

In order to access this page for a specific accession number, it is necessary to first sign in:


This will allow the system to recognize the email-to-partner association stored in our RDF backend. When a specific glycan entry page is displayed, the backend will check partner status and display a special link.


This is a link to the partner-specific version of an entry. It has the same summary information and details, however the external link section has new functionality.


If you have already associated your identifiers to this entry, they will be editable as in the figure. The Add input field is to specify a new identifier to link. In this case, the test0 id will be used. Once submitted, the backend will generate the link based upon the template url of your partner registration data.

Please note your partner information is viewable through the User Profile.


Any editable identifier viewable through this page is also displayed on the original entry page.


About the author

Nobuyuki Aoki is a Systems Engineer/Consultant at SparqLite LLC. Technical architect, Random Programmer, and Official Plant Watcher of the glycan repository project.