Please use direct REST access from the command line. This was using a groovy-specific method of downloading java libraries, which is unneccessary for interfacing with a REST API.
- GlyTouCan Client CLI
- Update to August 2019 Release
- Linking Partner ID
- Production Environment
- Notes
GlyTouCan Client CLI
The GTCC was a command line interface to the GlyTouCan Repository API.
** Please Note ** This library is now deprecated. Please use the simplified REST method to interface with the GTC API. Simplified bash scripts have been added to the same git repository. Please check the readme of this repository.
- A simple command line script to register structures into GlyTouCan.
- If the structure is already registered, the accession number will be returned. Otherwise a reference tag will be displayed. This reference tag, as well as all other submissions, can be tracked on the Entries page.
- This is a unix script. This has not been tested on windows, but it probably could be converted to a bat file. Please take a look at simple.groovy, a simple groovy script that can execute a request.
- Java 8
- Groovy
- Tested only on version 2.4 and 2.5.2
- it is recommended to install using the SDKMAN! method as described in the groovy download page.
- Your Contributor ID*
- Your API Key*
- If you want to register your database id links, your URL template must be registered with the Partner Program
*The ID and key can be obtained via the profile page.
Important Note Regarding Contributor ID
It is highly recommended to create a “service account” email address in order to maintain the linkage data between glytoucan and your organization. This way it will be possible to share this account with other trusted maintainers of your database, without giving away any private passwords.
To create a service account, all that is necessary is to create an account such as “”, confirm the email once registered, and then login to GlyTouCan with this account. Please be sure to confirm the email is verified as GlyTouCan does not accept submissions from users without a confirmed email address.
As GlyTouCan can handle multiple users to a database, the service account can be added later once you are ready. Please use the contributor id and api key for this account. This information is available on the profile screen once you have logged in.
Regarding multiple database to one user
Please note that while GlyTouCan can support multiple users as a maintainer of one database, it cannot handle one user email acting as a maintainer of multiple databases. Due to this restriction, it is advisable to create a “service account” for your database in the case you need to register for multiple websites.
Update to August 2019 Release
Pleae note that the backend to GlyTouCan was overhauled in this release. Months of planning and development was made to not impact the user experience. Therefore, usage of this script has not changed. The only change is for the case of new structures not already stored in the repository. In this case, instead of the accession number being immediately returned, a reference tag will be shown. Details available in the blog post.
New Submissions page (Aug 2019)
If you login to the GlyTouCan Entries page, the data sent over this script can be confirmed.
git clone
The gtc command is the glytoucan command line interface. This is actually a simple script using /usr/bin/groovy as the interpreter. If your groovy installation has the groovy application in a different location, please configure the first line in the gtc file: #!/usr/bin/groovy
To submit a single sequence:
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -s '[sequence]'
This will submit the structure data. If it is already registered and validated, the output will be the accession number. Otherwise, a reference tag will be returned.
To register sequences in a csv file:
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -c [csvFile]
The CSV file is expected to have only one column. The first row is not considered data and expected to be a header. One column must contain the word “sequence” and all data below it will be considered a sequence format.
To register sequences in a tsv file:
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -t [tsvFile]
Output data is supported by a tsv and csv format.
To output in csv format:
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -c [csvFile] -o csv
To output in tsv format:
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -c [csvFile] -o tsv
G00055MO WURCS=2.0/2,2,1/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5]/1-2/a4-b1
G00051MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a1221m-1a_1-5][a2112h-1b_1-5]/1-2-3/a3-b1_a4-c1
G00065MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5][Aad21122h-2a_2-6_5*NCC/3=O]/1-2-3/a4-b1_b3-c2
G00047MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1x_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5][a1221m-1a_1-5]/1-2-3/a3-b1_a4-c1
You can add a header in output data by using ‘-m’ option.
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -c [csvFile] -o tsv -m uafh
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -c [csvFile] -o tsv -m uafh > outputdata.tsv
u: contributorId, a: apiKey, f: csvFileName or tsvFileName, h: header
User ID: your user id
Api Key: your api key
Reading file: sample-wurcs.tsv
Accession Number sequence
G00055MO WURCS=2.0/2,2,1/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5]/1-2/a4-b1
G00051MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a1221m-1a_1-5][a2112h-1b_1-5]/1-2-3/a3-b1_a4-c1
G00065MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5][Aad21122h-2a_2-6_5*NCC/3=O]/1-2-3/a4-b1_b3-c2
G00047MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1x_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5][a1221m-1a_1-5]/1-2-3/a3-b1_a4-c1
On first execute, why is it stuck?
The first time this is run, groovy will download the dependencies required by the client. This is a few megabytes of libraries (approximately 30MB) and may take some time depending on your network connection.
groovy gtc -u 254 -a abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890== -s 'RES\n1b:b-dglc-HEX-1:5\n2s:n-acetyl\n3b:b-dgal-HEX-1:5\nLIN\n1:1d(2+1)2n\n2:1o(4+1)3d\n'
GlycoCT - note the carriage returns are “\n”
groovy gtc -u 254 -a abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890== -s 'WURCS=2.0/2,2,1/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5]/1-2/a4-b1'
Register a WURCS sequence.
Linking Partner ID
After registration and confirmation from GLIC that your Contributor ID is registered to your Organization, it will be possible to link the IDs of your website so that it will appear on the Glycan Entry page under the “External Ids” section.
This will require registration and then confirmation.
To register a single sequence with your id:
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -s '[sequence]' -p [your id]
This will register the sequence if it does not exist, and return the Accession Number. The linkage will be formulated from the organizational information
To register sequences in a csv file:
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -c [csvFile]
The CSV file format is described above. Another column must contain “ID”, with your id in the rows below. The sequence on the same row will be linked to this id.
example CSV file:
example output data
To output data including header string
groovy gtc -u [contributor id] -a [API key] -c [csvFile] -m uafh -o tsv
example of output data including header string
User ID: your user id
Api Key: your api key
Reading file: sample-id-wurcs.tsv
partnerId Accession Number sequence
1 G00055MO WURCS=2.0/2,2,1/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5]/1-2/a4-b1
2 G00051MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a1221m-1a_1-5][a2112h-1b_1-5]/1-2-3/a3-b1_a4-c1
3 G00065MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5][Aad21122h-2a_2-6_5*NCC/3=O]/1-2-3/a4-b1_b3-c2
4 G00047MO WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[a2122h-1x_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2112h-1b_1-5][a1221m-1a_1-5]/1-2-3/a3-b1_a4-c1
Removing Linked Partner ID
Remove Partner ID script:
Production Environment
By default, the glytoucan client utilizes the test or beta environment, located at The test api interface is configured to
In order to have the client switch to the production environment, an environment variable must be configured to the api server.
On a bash shell system, this is executed via the following commands:
$ export API_HOSTNAME=""
Please check your operating system in order to modify environment variables within the shell used for the client.
Submission output example
$ groovy gtc -u {user id} -a {api key} -s "WURCS=2.0/4,9,8/[a2122h-1x_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a1122h-1b_1-5][a1122h-1a_1-5][a2122h-1a_1-5]/1-2-3-3-3-4-3-3-3/a4-b1_b3-c1_b6-g1_c2-d1_d2-e1_e3-f1_g3-h1_h2-i1"
Registering sequence: WURCS=2.0/4,9,8/[a2122h-1x_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a1122h-1b_1-5][a1122h-1a_1-5][a2122h-1a_1-5]/1-2-3-3-3-4-3-3-3/a4-b1_b3-c1_b6-g1_c2-d1_d2-e1_e3-f1_g3-h1_h2-i1
Complete list of all submissions can be found at
Registration of sequence:>WURCS=2.0/4,9,8/[a2122h-1x_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a1122h-1b_1-5][a1122h-1a_1-5][a2122h-1a_1-5]/1-2-3-3-3-4-3-3-3/a4-b1_b3-c1_b6-g1_c2-d1_d2-e1_e3-f1_g3-h1_h2-i1< output:>G66357CN<
Please be sure to check the production environment for your changes:
- For some formats, the carriage return characters must be replaced with “\n”.
- Because of “\n”, the entire sequence must be in quotes (see example).
- Since WURCS contains “,” in the sequence, it should be in quotes (usage of quotes is ‘sequence’ not “sequence”.).
- Partner Registration in Japanese
- If there are weird compilation errors, this may be due to a snapshot version update, and groovy does not handle these very well. In these cases, it is easiest to simply move or delete the grapes folder in the local groovy cache folder.
- Since the accession numbers are randomly generated, they may differ between the production and beta environments. On a regular basis the beta environment data is overwritten by the production data in order to synchronize.