Partner Resource entry RDF

Input data

	a glycan:Resource_entry ;
	rdfs:label	"{resource_entry_label}" ;
	dcterms:identifier	"{entry_id}";
	glytoucan:in_database <{database_name}> ;
	rdfs:seeAlso	<Resource entry URL> ;
	skos:exactMatch	<exaceMatch IRI> .

# <{database_name}> 
# 	a glytoucan:Database ;
# 	rdfs:label "{database name}" ;
# 	rdfs:seeAlso <databae URL> .

Q: Why does not use “glycan:in_glycan_database”?
A: The PubChem and the wwPDB are not glycan database.

Sample template

@prefix rdfs:	<> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix glycan:	<> .
@prefix glytoucan:	<> .
@prefix skos: <> .

	a glycan:Saccharide ;
	glycan:has_resource_entry <{pdb_chem-comp_id}> ;

	a glycan:Resource_entry ;
	rdfs:label	"PDBj CC" ;
	dcterms:identifier	"{pdb_chem-comp_id}";
	glycan:in_glycan_database  glycan:Database_pdbj ;
	rdfs:seeAlso	<{pdb_chem-comp_id}> ;
	skos:exactMatch	<{pdb_chem-comp_id}> .