May 15, 2015
August 6, 2019 (Last Updated)

Registering Structures

    Reviewed by Kiyoko Kinoshita

Note: The previous page may have more information regarding this series.

Registration Processing

Once the submission is complete, several batch processes are run on a timely basis in order to extract and link the data with currently available information.

Detect format batch

For every structure submitted, the sequence string depend on several format (GlycoCT, WURCS etc…). Using this sequence characteristic, determine the format of the sequence string.

WURCS validator batch

If the sequence format is a WURCS, this validator batch verifies that the WURCS string is correct. If there is a problem as a result of WURCS validation, Error and Warning are saved as record(s).

Accession batch

In this batch, only that there is no error in the verification of WURCS, to generate the accession number, assignment it.

WURCS to image batch

Generate an image of the glycan structure from WURCS. The format is png only, and as notation that are IUPAC, SNFG, and Oxford-color images are generated.

If you would like to know more, please feel free to read the next page in this series.

About the author

Nobuyuki Aoki is a Systems Engineer/Consultant at SparqLite LLC. Technical architect, Random Programmer, and Official Plant Watcher of the glycan repository project.